Mark CrumpackerWhat Do Consumers Really Think about Vertical Farms?In today’s debates about the advantages and disadvantages of vertical farms, it’s somewhat surprising to see that one important issue is…Sep 29, 2018Sep 29, 2018
InfarmeebyFlo HaßlerWhy the world needs an open software platform for vertical farmingOld-school protectionism is preventing the industry from living up to it’s full potentialApr 27, 20181Apr 27, 20181
Walt DuflockLooking for a fire-sale on some vertical farming assets?I wrote a post almost a year ago in response to a great post by Henry Gordon-Smith suggesting that vertical farming is headed for for the…Dec 23, 20222Dec 23, 20222
Chris NewmanIs Vertical Farming a Good Idea?No. It’s largely, though not entirely, a terrible idea that claims to solve a land and water use problem by adopting an even bigger energy…Oct 10, 202211Oct 10, 202211
Micki SeibelA New Journey: How I Found My Way to Vertical Farming and UnfoldOver the last four years, as a venture capital investor in the food system, I have researched and written about controlled environment…Sep 15, 20201Sep 15, 20201
Mark CrumpackerHow to Become a Vertical Farmer in 12 StepsBecoming a vertical farmer is no easy task. For every vertical farming business that becomes successful, there are a dozen more vertical…Mar 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019
Mark CrumpackerThis Is What You Need to Know about AquaponicsIf you’re interested in the subject of indoor farming, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about aquaponics. This combination of aquaculture…Jan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019
Mark CrumpackerA Look at the Amazing Indoor Farm That Gives Its Food Away for FreeGiving food away for free might not seem like the smartest business model for an indoor farm, but AquaGrow Farms, located in a suburb of…Feb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Mark CrumpackerThis Is How to Fund Your Indoor FarmSo you want to start an indoor farm. You’ve created a business plan, chosen your crops carefully, tapped into the knowledge of the indoor…Feb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019
Mark CrumpackerFarming in the Sky — A Look at 6 Innovative Rooftop FarmsIt’s not difficult to see why rooftop farming has become such a big urban trend in recent years. Cities today are denser, taller, and…Feb 28, 20191Feb 28, 20191
Mark Crumpacker6 of the Most Important Lessons for the Vertical Farming IndustryIn less than a decade, the vertical farming industry has undergone a staggering transformation: from a niche enterprise to a global…Feb 21, 2019Feb 21, 2019